Business Integrity Trainings in RiskSight
The Role of Private Sector
Private sector plays an essential role in promoting business integrity, good governance, corporate transparency and a level playing field across local, national and international markets where the companies operate.
In order to play this role effectively and deliver value to their members and partners, private sector should commit to effective anti-corruption compliance programmes to prevent corruption in their own operations, e.g whistleblower, procurement and other policies, build trust, manage risks of interests of conflicts and always act as the best leaders of the sector. But nevertheless potential and necessity of business integrity are yet to be understood by the private sector
The Goals of Addressing Business Integrity Measures
The reasons for addressing corporate governance, business integrity and anti-corruption measures more systematically are to promote effective risk management, to implement anti-corruption measures, to prevent conflicts of interest, to attract responsible investment, to improve reputation, to reduce financial loss, to increase sales numbers, to deal with incidents, to manage third parties acting for or on behalf of the company, to use open contracting, to adhere to a zero-tolerance policy on bribery, to prevent illicit activity and funding, to promote diversity etc.
Our Approach
Our trainings and exercises provide guidance on business ethics and anti-corruption compliance for all private sector companies regardless of location, size or field of activity.
Our trainings and exercises cover topics that provide content for anti-corruption principles and key elements for the policies, procedures and practices and help strengthening ethical conduct and business integrity. Our approach and content help to make integrity and compliance trainings effective, ensuring everyone’s active participation and development during the trainings.
We are looking for answers to challenging questions for the private sector. How can companies motivate employees to care about business ethics and compliance? How should companies engage with new business partners? What are common red flags when selecting new business partners? How can a company determine what is a reasonable gift? etc.
Challenges Covered
What challenges have we covered to promote business integrity? Ethical working environment, unethical behaviour at work, ethical standards of the company, poor management, issues of wright and wrong in decision-making processes, use of whistleblowing channels, company reputation, equal treatment of employees, activities against the law or against the company policy, misuse of confidential information, discrimination, irresponsible use of company`s assets, giving, asking or receiving gifts or bribes, lobbying, revolving door, beneficial ownership transparency etc.
The Key Takeaway
“It is not my concern” is never the right attitude in our trainings. Changing the business culture is based on changing the attitude of each individual participant.